Tsavo Maneater Resources
This page is a list of resources for those who wish
to learn more about the story of the Tsavo Maneaters. It is organized into
four categories at this time: Books, Videos and Films, Music, and Internet
links. If you know of any other material on the Tsavo Maneaters, please email
me at the address on the bottom of the page. I will be glad to add it to the
Updated 12-24-2006. Added a number of new publications, as well as some links to significant research. Added a section for the Maneater of Mfuwe.
Tsavo Maneater Books
- 'The Ghost and the Darkness', Novelization by Dewey Gram.
- ISBN 0-671-00305-4 (Paperback, 1996, Pocket books) The novelization of the
1996 film.
- 'The Ghost and the Darkness', Screenplay by Willliam Goldman.
- ISBN 1-55783-267-6(Trade paperback, 1996, Mont Blanc Entertainment GMBH
(Applause Books in US.)) This hard-to-find book is the original screenplay
of the film. Some of the character names are different, and there are some
differences in story flow and dialogue. This book is HIGHLY recommen. This book is HIGHLY recommended if
you are a serious fan of this film. William Goldman is a top-notch writer, and
this book is absolutely fascinating! Learn (Among other things) how the idea
for the movie was presented to Paramount executives with Mr. Goldman laying
flat on his back on the floor of the boardroom! (Yes, they accepted!) This
book also contains lots of black-and-white photos from the movie.
- 'The Ghost and the Darkness', Shooting script
- A version of the movie's shooting script is available, apparently
published by Paramount for fans of the movie. It is bound in an authentic
shooting script manner with removable rivets. This script is neither the
published William Goldman screenplay mentioned above nor is it the version
depicted in the film. Instead, it seems to be an even earlier version that is
a bit closer to the real story. Like the published screenplay, it is very
interesting reading. This script is not readily available, but can be obtained
by calling Joseph or Debbie Janowicz at (716)-723-8055.
- 'Ghosts of Tsavo', Philip Caputo, 2002, National Geographic Society
- ISBN 0-7922-6362-6 (Hardcover). Pulitzer prize author Philip Caputo
addresses the issues of maneating lions, especially in the Tsavo area. The
book cenetrs around two trips he took to Tsavo National Park. The first was
with Tom Gnoske and Julian Kerbis-Peterhans of the Field Museum of Natural
History. The second was with Craig Packer and Peyton Wes Packer and Peyton West of the Serengeti
Lion Project. Philip's own thoughts on the topic (Which the two groups of
scientists disagree on!) are scattered throughout the text. The book opens with
an account of the taking of the Maneater of Mfuwe by Wayne Hosek, and closes
with a review of a really recent paper by Tom Gnoske on why Tsavo lions go
maneater so often. Philip has also written several articles about the Tsavo
lions for National Geogrphic. (They are listed further down.) Approx. 288
pages. (No illustrations in the preview edition I have.)
- 'Journal of East African Natural History, Volume 90 parts 1 and
2', Journal reprint
- ISBN 0012-8317 This is a reprint in book form, of an article from
the Journal of East African Natural History. This book is sold by
the Field Museum of Natural History, and is probably not available
anywhere else. This thin volume contains a single article entitled
"The Science of 'Man Eating' Among Lions Panthera leo ,
With A Reconstruction of the Natural History of the 'Man Eaters of
Tsavo'" The article is by Tom Gnoske and Julian Kerbis
Peterhans, both of the Field Muesum. This book is a detailed look at
maneating among lions, and it's possible causes. Illustrated with
drawings and B/W plates. Extensive references. Softbound, 40 pages.
- 'The Lions of Tsavo', Bruce D. Patterson,2004, McGraw-Hill books
- ISBN 0-07-136333-5 The result of years of study, this book is a
summation of the research done by Bruce Patterson of the Field Museum of
Natural History. This book is a scientific work, but is also a good read. This
book is the most authorative work done on the subject of the Tsavo maneaters.
The book includes extensive endnotes that reflect the degree of care that
went into preparing this book. 231 pages, Some color and B/W photos.
- 'Mad About Zion, A Biography of Colonel J.H. Patterson'
- ISBN 0-9518664-4-3 (Hardcover), 0-9518664-3-5 (Softcover) Biography by
Patrick Streeter. Published 2004 by The Matching Press. An engaging account
of the interesting life of John Patterson. Besides the Tsavo Maneater affair,
Mr. Patterson was involved in many other activitis during his life. He was
perhaps best known for being commander of a Jewish regiment of the British
army. There are also some darker chapters in Mr Patterson's life, like the
events surrounding the death of Audley Blyth. In any case, an interesting
and readable book that has been well researched. 191 pages, many B/W
photographs. This book is hard to get in the US. The best way to get it is
to contact the author at Sptstreeter@aol.com.
- 'The Man-Eating Lions of Tsavo', 1925, Lieut.-Col. J. H. Patterson
- (No ISBN #) Zoology leaflet #7 by the Field Museum of Natural History.
A small booklet (41 pages) published by the Field Museum to go along with their
exhibit of the Tsavo maneaters. I list it seperately from the full-length books
below, as it only contains the portion of the book concerning the maneaters. It
also contains some material not in the original book, and the quality of the
photographs is superb. A must-have for anyone seriously interested in the
Tsavo maneaters. It is available by mail order. Visit their website at
www.fieldmuseum.org for more
- 'Man Eaters Motel', Denis Boyles, 1991, Ticknor and Fields
- ISBN 0-395-58082-X. Photography by Alan Rose. A rather interesting book
about travel in Africa. Most of the book centers on a trip on the Mombasa
railway. There is much Tsavo maneater lore in this book. There are also
photographs of the Tsavo area, and the infamous bridge. This book is
rather hard to find. 253 pages, B/W photos.
- Newly expanded!'The Man-Eaters of Tsavo', electronic edition!
- 1907, Lt. Colonel J.H. Patterson The electronic version of this book is
now avilable on the internet, courtesy of Charles Hall. Click
here to visit
his website. The book is available in a number of forms, including one
complete with all 120 pictures. The original edition of
this book is now in the public domain.
- 'The Man-Eaters of Tsavo', 1907, Lt. Colonel J.H. Patterson
- Hardcover: ISBN 0-312-51010-1 (1986, St. Martins Press, part of the
Peter Capstick hunting and adventure library.)(I am told this book may be out
of print.) Paperback: ISBN 0-671-00306-2 (1996, Pocket Books) The companion
edition to the movie.) Originally published in 1907, This book records the
harrowing true story of what really happened at Tsavo in 1898. If you are at
all interested in the Tsavo Maneaters, or have seen either of the movies, this
book is a must read! The stories told in the book are even more amazing than
what was portrayed in the films! Although both of the listed editions contain
the same original text, they differ in the 'extras'. The Hardcover book
includes an introduction by Peter Hathaway Capstick, a noted big game hunter.
It is also me hunter.
It is also profusely illustrated, and the pictures are of good quality. The
paperback book contains a fairly lengthy account of Colonel Patterson's life,
and this is interesting reading. It also contains a facsimile of a letter
presented to Colonel Patterson on his departure from East Africa. There are
far fewer photos, but the important ones are present.
- The Science of 'Man Eating' Among Lions Panthera leo, With A
Reconstruction of the Natural History of the 'Man Eaters of Tsavo
- The real title of the book 'Journal of East African Natural
History, Volume 90 parts 1 and 2' listed above. It is listed as it
is, because the title on the main entry for this book is what is on
the front cover.
Tsavo Maneater Magazine Articles

- 'Maneaters of Tsavo', May/June 2000 National Geographic Adventure
- A lengthy article looks at both the historic story as well as what it is
like to travel there today. Although the story is a bit overdramatized, it
is interesting and informative. A
webpage on this article can also be found on the
Geographic Adventure website.
- 'Maneless in Tsavo', April 2002 National Geographic
- This excellent article examines the lions of the Tsavo region. It discusses
some of the unique challenges to survival that Tsavo lions face. The
controversial issue as to why some Tsavo lions lack manes is explored by Peyton
West of the Lion Research Institute. Using her life-sized stuffed toy lions
with interchangable manes, she comes up with some interesting science. You can
read science. You can
read some additional material about the article at
www.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0204/ You can read some of Peyton West's
papers at www.lionresearch.org
Tsavo Maneater Films/Videos
- 'Bwana Devil', 1952, United Artists
- (Not available on home video) This film, based on the Tsavo Maneaters
story, was also the first feature-length 3-D film produced. Stars Robert
Stack and Nigel Bruce. Although this story is basically the Tsavo Maneaters
story, it is told with different names and the usual Hollywood Hyperboles.
Although this would be considered a 'B' movie today, it was apparently quite
popular at the time. Not rated. Color, 79 minutes.
American Movie Classics shows it
from time to time. See the IMDB listing in the 'Links' section below.
- 'The Ghost and the Darkness', 1996, Paramount Films.
- Paramount Home Video 323503 (VHS), LV323503WS (Laserdisc) (Scheduled out
on DVD 11-10-1998). The 1996 version of the story of the Tsavo Maneaters.
Stars Val Kilmer and Michael Douglas. Rated 'R' for a few gory scenes.
Color, 109 minutes. Available at any video store. See the IMDB listing in the
'Links' section below.
- 'Maneaters of Tsavo', 1996, Winstar Hom Tsavo', 1996, Winstar Home Entertainment WHS71007.
- ISBN 1-57252-081-7 (VHS Videocassette). Produced and directed by Jim
Burroughs. Originally produced in 1996, I suspect it was supposed to come out
at the same time as 'The Ghost and the Darkness'. The documentary attempts to
follow Colonel Patterson's footsteps as he constructed the bridge across the
Tsavo river. A lot of interesting information and stories are presented.
(Some of which must be taken with a grain of salt!) Both Val Kilmer and
Michael Douglas are interviewed about their roles in 'The Ghost and the
Darkness'. Last, but not least, this documentary gives you a feeling of
what it's like to take a safari in modern-day Kenya. Highly Recommended.
Color, 50 minutes. Readily available at better video stores.
- 'Wild Discovery: Maneaters of Tsavo', 1999, Discovery Channel
- (Not released yet.) A program detailing the the story of the Tsavo
Maneaters and the recent discovery of the 'maneaters' cave'. More info to
come! Visit the webiste for this program.
Tsavo Maneater Music???
The music from the movie 'the Ghost and the Darkness' is avilable on CD. It
contains much of the incidental music from the film, as well as some Indian and
African music useand African music used in the film. It is published
by Hollywood Records and carries catalog number HR-62089-2. This CD should be
widely available.
Internet Resources for the Tsavo Maneaters

The Maneater of Mfuwe - The Field Museum's other maneating lion
Here are some links to resources for the Maneater of Mfuwe.
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Send mail, comments, material contributions, flames, etc. to:
Tim Stoffel